
Intel’s 48 core single-chip cloud computer one of co-creator is Intel Banglore(INDIA)


Intel Labs demon­strated an exper­i­ment­al, 48-core Intel pro­cessor, This chip is 10 to 20 times the pro­cessing power of today’s most pop­u­lar Intel Core-branded pro­cessors. It also includes a high-speed on-chip net­work along with new power man­age­ment tech­niques allow all 48 cores to oper­ate extremely energy effi­ciently at as low as 25 watts, or at 125 watts at max­im­um performance.

Intel Copper Ridge board

Cop­per Ridge mother­board run­ning the 48-core pro­cessor (Pic­ture cour­tesy of Com­pu­ter­base)

The long-term goal is to add incred­ible scal­ing fea­tures to human-machine inter​faces​.Cloud data cen­ters are com­prised of tens to thou­sands of com­puters con­nec­ted by a phys­ic­al cabled net­work, dis­trib­ut­ing large tasks and pro­cessing massive data­sets in par­al­lel. Intel’s new exper­i­ment­al research chip uses a sim­il­ar approach, Just all the com­puters and net­works are integ­rated on a piece of Intel 45nm, high‑k met­al-gate sil­ic­on about the size of a post­age stamp, dra­mat­ic­ally redu­cing the amount of phys­ic­al com­puters needed to cre­ate a cloud data center.

With a chip like this, you could ima­gine a cloud data­cen­ter of the future which will be an order of mag­nitude more energy effi­cient than what exists today, sav­ing sig­ni­fic­ant resources on space and power costs,” said Justin Rattner, head of Intel Labs and Intel’s Chief Tech­no­logy Officer. “Over time, I expect these advanced con­cepts to find their way into main­stream devices, just as advanced auto­mot­ive tech­no­logy such as elec­tron­ic engine con­trol, air bags and anti-lock brak­ing even­tu­ally found their way into all cars.”

off-chip sys­tem memory. Applic­a­tions can also dynam­ic­ally man­age exactly which cores are to be used for a giv­en task at a giv­en time with required memory, match­ing the per­form­ance and energy needs to the demands of each.Cores can be turned on and off or change their per­form­ance levels, con­tinu­ously adapt­ing to use the min­im­um energy needed at a giv­en moment.

Intel 48-core Single Chip Cloud Computer



Intel plans to build more than 100 exper­i­ment­al chips for use by many indus­tri­al and aca­dem­ic research col­lab­or­at­ors around the world with the goal of devel­op­ing pro­gram­ming mod­els and soft­wares for future many-core processors.

Microsoft is part­ner­ing with Intel to explore new hard­ware and soft­ware archi­tec­tures sup­port­ing next-gen­er­a­tion cli­ent plus cloud applic­a­tions,” said Dan Reed, Microsoft’s cor­por­ate vice pres­id­ent of Extreme Com­put­ing. “Our early research with the single chip cloud com­puter pro­to­type has already iden­ti­fied many oppor­tun­it­ies in intel­li­gent resource man­age­ment, sys­tem soft­ware design, pro­gram­ming mod­els and tools, and future applic­a­tion scenarios.”

This mile­stone rep­res­ents the latest achieve­ment from Intel’s Tera-scale Com­put­ing Research Pro­gram, aimed at break­ing bar­ri­ers to scal­ing future chips to 10s-100s of cores. It was co-cre­ated by Intel Labs at its Ban­galore (India), Braun­sch­weig (Ger­many) and Hills­boro, Ore. (U.S.) research cen­ters. Details on the chip’s archi­tec­ture and cir­cuits are sched­uled to be pub­lished in a paper at the Inter­na­tion­al Sol­id State Cir­cuits Con­fer­ence in February.

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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