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Google introduced Free SMS service in GMail in India

Google intro­duced free SMS ser­vice in GMail. When It was enabled they skipped two major ser­vices but a day later they enabled it for all the Mobile Oper­at­ors in India.

Gmail Free SMS Service in India

In the chat win­dow, you can see a link Send SMS now. The ser­vice intro­duced in 50+ coun­tries. The US and India includes all the oper­at­ors. To pre­vent abuse the ser­vice. They are giv­ing the 50 SMS and when you send one it will reduce one and If you get the reply then the lim­it will increase by 5. The reply comes back to the inbox. Once the cred­it hits zero. either you should get a reply to get 5 SMS cred­it or wait for 24 hours so the one sms will be added back.

To pre­vent abuse, any Gmail user who sends an excess­ive num­ber of SMS mes­sages from Gmail, without get­ting any responses in return, will be blocked from send­ing fur­ther SMS messages. 

Google also provided the steps to send SMS.

Gmail SMS

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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