Social Responsibility



Aash­ritha ‑Help­ing Hands Com­munity is a non profit organ­iz­a­tion which is star­ted by a group of friends from dif­fer­ent under — gradu­ate and gradu­ate schools joined and formed a team to work towards improve­ment of child edu­ca­tion in rur­al areas of India. We wanted to provide edu­ca­tion to chil­dren who did­n’t get the care from their parents.

We at Aash­ritha define our motive as:

To provide fin­an­cial and mor­al sup­port to under-priv­iledged and phys­ic­ally chal­lenged chil­dren for thi­er edu­ca­tion and thereby improve the aver­age edu­ca­tion level in rur­al India with main focus on child education.

Aash­ritha? group is ded­ic­ated to improve child edu­ca­tion in rur­al areas in India. We provid­ing the basic edu­ca­tion for needy chil­dren upto sec­ond­ary sec­ond­ary level (10th class).

How do we Pro­ceed?

We adopt kids (after thor­ough selec­tion pro­cess) between 7 to 10 years in age, from a select vil­lages or cit­ies and set up a plan for each one of them. The main pur­pose is to arrange every basic needs to edu­cate them till the 10th grade (or more, depend­ing on their suc­cess). The kids will be provided with all the facil­it­ies neces­sary for their edu­ca­tion. We rent a house (or a place in or around the home vil­lage) and hire a respect­ive care-taker, who provides food and basic help & care required for each group of chil­dren. The chil­dren are admit­ted to a nereby Gov­er­ment approved school. A tuition teach­er is arranged to help the kids to do their home­work and clear their doubts.

For mon­it­or­ing and con­trolling reas­ons, the vil­lage or town of edu­ca­tion is always in or around the area of one of our com­mit­ted members.

Aash­ritha will keep the account trans­ac­tion details avail­able for all. You can check the account details on site and you can donate if you wish to give a hand in this process.

Here is the link to Aash­ritha

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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