
Tweak2 is a web­site that presents inform­a­tion­al art­icles, tips, tutori­als and resources. Tweak2 is also focuses on provid­ing cod­ing tips and scripts which are small but use­ful in devel­op­ment of web and stan­dalone applications.

Tweak2 was star­ted in May 2008 by freel­an­cer Java, PHP developer Gouri Shank­ar mainly focused on new tech­no­logy and shar­ing tips and tutori­als. The Tweak2 known as Tech Com­munity. In Octo­ber 2010 it is redesigned to present the art­icles in bet­ter way by port­ing the portal sys­tem of Tech Com­munity into blog and integ­rat­ing the com­munity into it.Tweak2 is redesigned in March 2012 with new improved respons­ive design to fecil­it­ate mobile and tab­let viewers.

Some of the Tweak2 art­icles also con­trib­uted by Net­work admin­is­trat­or Prasad shared valu­able inform­a­tion about the tech­no­logy and tips. He is con­trib­ut­ing in growth of Tweak2 since beginning.