

Tech­no­logy, It become an essen­tial part in our day to day life. Can you ima­gine how it will be without using com­puter for a day or com­puter without inter­net or even can you live without using a cell­phone. No you don’t want to be ima­gine right, So that is the impact of tech­no­logy in our lives.

As you can see we know about tech­no­logy. But is it suf­fi­cient? We have to upgrade our know­ledge. Oth­er­wise someone will over­takes you and gets good oppor­tun­ity which you have to get. Some times you can say that i have the exper­i­ence in a tech­no­logy so no one can cross you or can you say that what ever you learned is the end of the tech­no­logy no more to learn. No daily so much new tech­no­logy is com­ing out. you have to learn to com­pete with the oth­ers and share the know­ledge to improve it.

Knowledge is Ocean”

To know the ocean, We have to start to know with the drop. This com­munity is star­ted to share the know­ledge with each oth­er. You can share and seek views, reviews on latest tech­no­logy. Hard­ware, soft­ware , mobile, pro­gram­ming lan­guages, tutorials
We hope you enjoy This portal!
If you have any sug­ges­tions please give as a comment.

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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