Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox 8.0 goes stable

Moz­illa pre­par­ing to release its final ver­sion of Fire­fox 8.0. It is com­ing with many improve­ments like Firefox’s add-on install­a­tion and man­age­ment pro­ced­ure, addi­tion of Twit­ter to the search bar

Googel Chrome

Google Chrome 15 goes stable, brings new features

Google Chrome 15 (15.0.874.102 ver­sion) is pushed to stable chan­nel. Chrome 15 con­tains some really great improve­ments includ­ing a new New Tab page, Exten­sions can be accessed in options page itself, you can change the default search engine too.

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox 7 is available

Moz­illa is ready­ing upcom­ing Fire­fox ver­sion 7.0, Eager to use it then Fire­fox 7.0 can be down­loaded from their FTP serv­er. Fire­fox 7 uses less memory than Fire­fox 6 (and 5 and 4). Its 20% to 30% less and some­times as much as 50% less.


Adobe Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 scheduled to release on early October

Adobe has announced that latest Flash Play­er 11 and AIR 3 will arrive early Octo­ber and bring loads of new fea­tures for cross-plat­­form browser based view­ing of rich Inter­net applic­a­tions, con­tent and videos across devices. Some of the fea­tures such as Stage 3D and 64-bit sup­port have been moved into this release.