
Tweak2 Redesign

Tweak2 gone under main­ten­ance and the site has been redesigned to reach more read­ers. Now the site is developed on word­press to handle the art­icles and com­munity is integ­rated into blog. I am wait­ing for your pre­cious com­ments to improve it more.

Social Responsibility


Aash­ritha ‑Help­ing Hands Com­munity is a non profit organ­iz­a­tion which is star­ted by a group of friends from dif­fer­ent under — gradu­ate and gradu­ate schools joined and formed a team to work towards improve­ment of child edu­ca­tion in rur­al areas of India. We wanted to provide edu­ca­tion to chil­dren who did­n’t get the care from their par­ents. We at Aash­ritha define our…

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Tech­no­logy, It become an essen­tial part in our day to day life. Can you ima­gine how it will be without using com­puter for a day or com­puter without inter­net or even can you live without using a cell­phone. No you don’t want to be ima­gine right, So that is the impact of tech­no­logy in our lives. As you can see we…

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