How-To, Softwares

Soluto is the Utility to Speed Up System Boot

Soluto com­ing with tag-line Anti Frus­tra­tion Soft­ware is the tool tar­geted at reduc­tion of PC slow­ness. It checks the soft­wares are load­ing at the time of boot, time to load and gets you the inform­a­tion about them from PC Gnome, a know­ledge base for Soluto to give you the option to delay or pause it to increase the speed of the system. 

Soluto uses innov­at­ive low-level Win­dows ker­nel tech­no­lo­gies to identi­fy what PC doing. Soluto is able to pin­point and ana­lyze what resource obstacles stood in the way of the user­’s desired actions. These can be I/O issues, net­work issues, resource lock­ing, and so on.

Soluto gives you the total boot time and the num­ber of applic­a­tions loaded at the boot time in bars for each boot

Applications loaded at boot time

It also provides the his­tory of the boots to compare


Check the video to see how it works

Source: Soluto

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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