
Tecus launches new NAS devices

Thecus,the man­u­fac­turer of net­work solutions,launches vari­ous NAS devices in Com­pu­tex 2009,Taipei..

It has launched five-bay net­work-attached stor­age (NAS) device, the N5500, at Com­pu­tex show.The N5500 is equipped with five hot-swap­pable SATA 3.5‑inch hard disk bays. This sup­ports upto 10TB and wide selec­tion of RAID modes, includ­ing RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, and JBOD.


It also sup­ports mul­tiple RAID volumes, and fea­tures online RAID expan­sion, online RAID migra­tion, and many flex­ib­il­ity options. The N5500 also offers mul­ti­me­dia sup­port RAID volumes on the N5500 can also be encryp­ted for data pro­tec­tion and security.

Thecus’ comes with new AJAX-based web inter­face for easy use.The N5500 is also fully com­pat­ible with Win­dows, UNIX/​Linux, and MAC OS 9/X oper­at­ing sys­tems. It has sched­uled power on/​off func­tion thus mak­ing Eco-friendly sav­ing the power. With IP-cam sup­port, the N5500 can be con­figured as a sur­veil­lance system.

Thecus also exhib­ited N0204 mini NAS device. The N0204 is as sleek as a reg­u­lar extern­al hard drive and handy. This two-bay NAS device sup­ports 2.5‑inch SATA hard disks, provid­ing up to 1TB of stor­age with RAID 0, 1, and JBOD.

The most awe­some fea­ture of this is the hot-swap­pable drives feature,users can change a hard disk without power­ing down the unit.


The N0204 sup­ports USB print­ers, extern­al hard disks, USB web cams, and even works with USB WLAN adaptors to provide wire­less capabilities.

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