
Raspberry Pi model B gets a RAM boost to 512MB

Rasp­berry Pi mod­el B memory upgraded to 512MB keep­ing the price tag same $35. If you have out­stand­ing orders with either dis­trib­ut­or then you may get the new Rasp­berry Pi with 512MB instead of 256MB.

Raspberry Pi

The com­mon sug­ges­tion Rasp­berry Pi used to get is to make a mod­el with high­er RAM for those who wants to run it as their gen­er­al-pur­pose com­puter and to run more applic­a­tions con­cur­rently. But the Rasp­berry Pi stick to $35 price mark as their highest price point, they are ship­ping the Rasp­berry Pis with high­er RAM of 512MB. They will be mak­ing a firm­ware upgrade avail­able in the next couple of days to enable access to the addi­tion­al memory.


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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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