
Seagate Breaks Areal Desity Barrier with 1TB per Platter

Seag­ate, the world’s second-largest hard drive maker and stor­age solu­tions, has today announced the first 3.5‑inch hard drive that fea­ture 1TB (625 Gig­abits per square inch) plat­ters. The new drives will have an areal-dens­ity of 625 gig­abits (78.13GB) per square inch, scor­ing 1TB plat­ters for the next gen­er­a­tion hard disks.


Seagate pre-loads FreeAgent Go HDDs with Paramount movies

Seg­ate, hard drive man­u­fac­turer teams up with the Para­mount Digit­al Enter­tain­ment in order to roll out in the US 500GB FreeAgent Go 2.5‑inch port­able HDD pre-loaded with 21 Para­mount movies. In 21 movies the StarTek (2009 ver­sion) is free to view and oth­er 20 movies included requir­ing the pur­chase from http://​seag​ate​.para​mount​shop​.com of a license key that costs between $9.99 and…

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