
Seagate Breaks Areal Desity Barrier with 1TB per Platter

Seag­ate, the world’s second-largest hard drive maker and stor­age solu­tions, has today announced the first 3.5‑inch hard drive that fea­ture 1TB (625 Gig­abits per square inch) plat­ters. The new drives will have an areal-dens­ity of 625 gig­abits (78.13GB) per square inch, scor­ing 1TB plat­ters for the next gen­er­a­tion hard disks.

Organ­iz­a­tions of all sizes and con­sumers world­wide are amass­ing digit­al con­tent at light speed, gen­er­at­ing immense demand for stor­age of digit­al con­tent of every ima­gin­able kind,” said Rocky Pimen­tel, Seag­ate Exec­ut­ive Vice Pres­id­ent of World­wide Sales and Mar­ket­ing. “We remain keenly focused on deliv­er­ing the stor­age capa­city, speed and man­age­ab­il­ity our cus­tom­ers need to thrive in an increas­ingly digit­al world.”

The GoFlex Desk drives are ones which boasts this new 1TB per plat­ter tech­no­logy should become avail­able soon, while the Bar­racuda XT HDDs are expec­ted in mid-2011.

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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