Microsoft, Mobiles

Windows Mobile 6.5 based mobile phones debut on October 6th

Microsoft, today announced that the mobile phones fea­tur­ing Win­dows Mobile 6.5 will be avail­able from Octo­ber 6th. The new mobile oper­at­ing sys­tem fea­tures a new user inter­face, Win­dows Mar­ket­place (an app store), a backup ser­vice called Microsoft My Phone, pho­tos, video, con­tacts, etc to the web, and more. they’ll also fea­ture Office Mobile.


Windows 7 Release Candidate is available for download now

The Win­dows 7 RC1 is now avail­able offi­cially for pub­lic through Microsoft’s Cus­tom­er Pre­view pro­gram. The RC will be avail­able at least through July 2009 and the num­ber of product keys are not lim­ited, so you have plenty of time. The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. So you have a year time to pur­chase the win­dows 7 original…

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Windows 7 RC is available to Microsoft OEM partners now for Public on may 5th

As per the inform­a­tion by microsoft part­ners Pro­gram site, Microsoft next gen­er­a­tion Win­dows 7 Release Can­did­ate is avail­able to Tech­net and MSDN Sub­scribers now. It will be avail­able to pub­lic on may 5, 2009. But accrod­ing to ars­tech­nica, The build is not yet avail­able to Tech­net and MSDN sub­scribers. From a read­er chat with Microsoft Online Con­ci­erge “Cur­rently the Windows…

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Windows 7 Beta Download Deadline Extended

Microsoft Corp. exten­ded the down­load dead­line of the win­dows 7 beta. Firstly the Microsoft had lim­ited the down­loads of Win­dows 7 beta at 2.5 mil­lion. The com­pany’s serv­ers were over­loaded as users tried to down­load the pre­view, Microsoft removed the lim­it and said it would offer the beta through Jan. 24. But again the Microsoft changed its mind. “Because enthu­si­asm continues…

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Fedora 10 Released

Fedora Pro­ject, today announced the release of Fedora 10 integ­rated the latest free and open source soft­ware. Fedora 10 fea­tures? Ply­mouth, the new graph­ic­al boot sys­tem speeds up the boot pro­cess by util­iz­ing the fea­tures in new ker­nel. Fedora 10 also comes with enhanced secur­ity tool called Sec­Tool. Fedora 10 includes the Open​Of​fice​.org 3.0 and GNOME 2.24.1, a rewrit­ten audio…

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OpenOffice 3.0 Finally Released

Finally Open​Of​fice​.org 3.0 is released. Open​Of​fice​.org is a free cross-plat­­form office applic­a­tion suite. Open​Of​fice​.org 3.0 is released with major enhance­ments. Because of heavy demand on open​of​fice​.org serv­er is facing prob­lems. “Apo­lo­gies — our web­site is strug­gling to cope with the unpre­ced­en­ted demand for the new release 3.0 of Open​Of​fice​.org. The tech­nic­al teams are try­ing to come up with a solu­tion.” Open​Of​fice​.org is a…

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Madriva 2009 Released

Man­driva 2009 has been released on 9th,October 2008. The Man­driva 2009 comes with redesigned installer and new KDE 4.1? as default desktop. The 2009 ver­sion includes ker­nel 2.6.27, X.Org 7.3, GNOME 2.24, KDE 4.1.2 (and 3.5.10 in / con­trib), Moz­illa Fire­fox 3 and Open Office 3.0.? More details can be found at? Release Notes. As usasl this release also con­tains the…

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Microsoft’s Midori — a future without Windows

July 29th, 2008. Accord­ing to the report to SDTimes, The Microsoft is work­ing on non win­dows oper­at­ing sys­tem knows as Midori. Accord­ing to the report to SDTimes, Midori is an off­shoot of Microsoft Research?s Sin­gu­lar­ity oper­at­ing sys­tem, the tools and lib­rar­ies of which are com­pletely man­aged code. Midori is designed to run dir­ectly on nat­ive hard­ware (x86, x64 and ARM),…

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