
Microsoft’s Midori — a future without Windows

Cloud Computing

July 29th, 2008. Accord­ing to the report to SDTimes, The Microsoft is work­ing on non win­dows oper­at­ing sys­tem knows as Midori. Accord­ing to the report to SDTimes, Midori is an off­shoot of Microsoft Research?s Sin­gu­lar­ity oper­at­ing sys­tem, the tools and lib­rar­ies of which are com­pletely man­aged code. Midori is designed to run dir­ectly on nat­ive hard­ware (x86, x64 and ARM), be hos­ted on the Win­dows Hyper‑V hyper­visor, or even be hos­ted by a Win­dows process.

That sounds pos­sible I’ve heard rumors to the effect that he [Rud­der] had an OS pro­ject in place,” said Rob Helm, dir­ect­or of research at Dir­ec­tions on Microsoft.

The research­ers are work­ing to cre­ate a con­cur­rent / par­al­lel dis­tri­bu­tion of resources — Cloud Com­put­ing, as well as a meth­od of hand­ling applic­a­tions across sep­ar­ate machines? reli­giously-dubbed the Asyn­chron­ous Prom­ise Archi­tec­ture which will set the stage for a back­wards-com­pat­ible oper­at­ing sys­tem built from the ground up, with net­works of vary­ing size in mind. Says the SD Times, “The Midori doc­u­ments fore­see applic­a­tions run­ning across a mul­ti­tude of topo­lo­gies, ran­ging from cli­ent-serv­er and multi-tier deploy­ments to peer-to-peer at the edge, and in the cloud data cen­ter. Those topo­lo­gies form a het­ero­gen­eous mesh where cap­ab­il­it­ies can exist at sep­ar­ate places.” Like it tech­nic­al? Read more look at Microsoft’s future with Midori.


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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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