
Internet Explorer 9 Available to Download

Microsoft released its long await­ing Inter­net Explorer 9 today. Def­in­itely it is big improve­ment over its pre­vi­ous ver­sions. It is avail­able to down­load for Vista, Win­dows 7 and Win­dows 2008/2008-R2 series oper­at­ing sys­tems. Microsoft is dropped sup­port for Win­dows XP even though it has sig­ni­fic­ant mar­ket share.

The IE 9 has Chakra — a faster Javas­cript engine, HTML5 sup­port, a faster ren­der­ing engine that uses GPU hard­ware accel­er­a­tion for graph­ics and text, and it has sleek and clean user inter­face, pinned sites, jump lists, new tab page shows recently vis­ited sites, tear-off tabs and win­dows aero snap and it has 2nd row tabs too.


Inter­net Explorer 9 provides built-in developer tools which helps developers in rap­id pro­to­typ­ing, test­ing, and debug­ging webpages by allow to changes to code from with­in the browser itself. IE 9 has a user-agent switch­ing tool, a net­work traffic inspect­or, an improved JavaS­cript profiler.

But when regard­ing html5 fea­tures it has to improve a lot of fea­tures. I got only 130 out of 400 points when I poin­ted the browser to htm​l5test​.com while cur­rent stable chrome(v. 10) is giv­ing 288 out of 400.

IE 9 html5test
IE 9 html5test

Down­load the IE at Microsoft

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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