World’s Fastest Graphics Card, Dual-GPU Radeon HD 5970 Launched

AMD has launched the ATI Radeon HD 5970 graph­ics card, the fast­est card graph­ic card ever seen​.It uses two 5800 series chip­sets on the same card to provide the best per­form­ance pos­sible. The 2GB dual-GPU card is the first to sup­port Microsoft Dir­ectX 11 and also sup­ports up to three dis­plays at once for a 7680×1600 max­im­um res­ol­u­tion with high…

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NVIDIA Replaces Entry level Graphics

NVIDIA just announced their new­est Graph­ics card the NVIDIA GeForce 310 an entry level graph­ics pro­cessor that replaces the users stand­ard integ­rated graph­ics card. The GeForce 310 can be used as a low-end graph­ics solu­tion, to enhance photo and video edit­ing, watch HD movies, play main­stream 3D games, and a com­plete Win­dows 7 support.


iPhone 3GS Specs Revealed

T‑Mobile has pos­ted some tech­nic­al specs about the iPhone 3G S. Apple has flatly refused to tell any­one just what chips lie inside the iPhone 3G S. The revealed specs are a 600MHz pro­cessor and 256MB RAM for the OS, double that of the 128MB in the ori­gin­al iPhone.


Kingston ahead to grab consumer SSD market

King­ston Tech­no­logy has announced the release of its new SSDNow V series sol­id state drives (SSDs). King­ston SSD tar­get mass pro­duc­tion for con­sumers who are seek­ing Value for Money(VFM) without com­prom­ising on performance.


Penguin USB drive

A new Pen­guin Flash drives has been intro­duced into the market.Standing only 2.2 inches tall,the WWF Pen­guin USB Drive is short­er than a car key. Its avail­able in 2/4/8/16GB capacities.This little fel­low’s up for order right now for $12.95 to $42.95.


Gigabyte’s Fashion Gadget,The GM-M7800S Wireless Mouse

GIGA­BYTE has announced a Mouse that comes with Swarovski crys­tals and two-tone-stitched leath­er. The GM-M7800S plated in 18K gold and is built of high qual­ity leather.This mouse is equipped with a nano 2.4GHz wire­less receiv­er offers max­im­um data trans­fer rates of 2Mbps, sup­ports 10-meter trans­mis­sion, and reduces on power consumption.


EVGA Launches Innovative Products in Computex 2009

This is a new EVGA UV Plus+ device that allows you to run mul­tiple mon­it­ors via a USB cable. The USB cable plugs into the DVI port on it that then plugs into a mon­it­or. This is approx­im­ately 4″ in size. There is logic in the device that takes a com­pressed images sent over USB and com­presses it for display…

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Gigabyte launches new series of motherboards

Giga­byte brings the new X58 series of mother­boards from the extreme to mid-range UD4 mother­board series.The GA-EX58A-Extreme and GA-EX58A-UD5 is fea­tured with Giga­byte’s new 24-phase power deliv­ery system.These series has new fea­tures such as the new DES2 tech­no­logy, four Mar­vell 6Gb/​s SATA ports, dual LAN with auto-switch­ing ports, and improved memory per­form­ance apart from reg­u­lar features.Apart from these it has also…

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