
More USB 3.0 details emerged

Every­body knows that intel is work­ing on USB 3.0 spe­cific­a­tion and it released it recently. When USB 2.0 emerged it increased the band­width of USB 1.1 from 12Mbps to 480Mbps. But this time the USB 3.0 is upping the band­width to 10x mak­ing it to 4.8Gbps. The max­im­umpc is dug­gup some details about the spe­cific­a­tions that is what we are…

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Nehalem and It’s Successors

Nehalem, Intel new archi­tec­ture is not yet offi­cially launched,? But we got inform­a­tion about it’s suc­cessors, on which? intel is work­ing on. The new CPU there­fore fol­low the pat­tern of devel­op­ment “Tick-Tock”, i.e; a new archi­tec­ture every two years (Tock), fol­lowed by a die shrink (Tick). In exclus­iv­ity, here are the code names of future gen­er­a­tions of pro­cessors, and until 2012

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Calpella – New Intel’s Nehalem-based laptop platform

Intel ® recently released the mobile plat­form Centrio2 and head­ing towards nehalem based laptop plat­form named as “Calpella”. Calpella to sup­port WiMAX in addi­tion to b/​g/​n WiFi. As with oth­er Nehalem gen­er­a­tion products, Capella will also rearrange the com­pon­ents like aban­don the cur­rent north­bridge and memory con­trol is mov­ing into the CPU pack­age. A single integ­rated chip­set code­named Ibex Peak‑M…

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Hitachi shows perpendicular recording density to 610Gb / square inch is possible

Per­pen­dic­u­lar record­ing (or Per­pen­dic­u­lar Mag­net­ic Record­ing, PMR) is a recently imple­men­ted tech­no­logy for data record­ing on hard disk “The main chal­lenge in design­ing mag­net­ic inform­a­tion stor­age media is to retain the mag­net­iz­a­tion of the medi­um des­pite thermal fluc­tu­ations caused by the super­para­mag­net­ic lim­it. If the thermal energy is too high, there may be enough energy to reverse the mag­net­iz­a­tion in a…

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