Mobiles, News

Samsung Galaxy Note II is priced at INR 39,990 in India

Sam­sung today launched the Suc­cessor of the Galaxy Note — Galaxy Note II at the event in Hydera­bad, India. The Galaxy Note II is avail­able at a price of INR 39,990 and it can be pur­chased on a 9 month 0 per­cent EMI from Sam­sung offi­cial stores.


Amazon Announced 7 & 8.9‑inch Kindle Fire HD

Amazon unveiled the suc­cessors to its Kindle Fire, the 7‑inch and 8.9‑inch ver­sions of Kindle Fire HD, 7‑inch ver­sion comes with twice RAM of its pre­de­cessor, The 8.9‑inch ver­sion comes with 4G LTE support.

Mobiles, News

Samsung Galaxy S Duos is Official

Sam­sung intro­duced the Galaxy S Duos, the latest addi­tion to the GALAXY smart­phone fam­ily. The Galaxy S Duos will be avail­able in Europe from Septem­ber and later on rolled out for oth­er territories.

Microsoft, News

Windows 8 to be Released on October 26th2012

As we already dis­cussed about the avail­ab­il­ity of Developer pre­view, Microsoft announced today that upcom­ing Win­dows 8 oper­at­ing sys­tem will be avail­able on Octo­ber 26th, 2012 as new or upgrade. This means that the Win­dows 8 and Win­dows RT PCs will be avail­able for pur­chase and upgrades start­ing this October.