
Opera 11 Alpha is out, now developers can build extentions

Opera 11 Alpha is avail­able for test­ing, Exten­sions is one of the excit­ing new fea­tures in the Opera 11 alpha. Exten­tions allows you to add new func­tion­al­ity to Opera. Right now about 15 Opera exten­sions avail­able for test­ing from the Opera Exten­sions archive. 

How-To, Softwares

Soluto is the Utility to Speed Up System Boot

Soluto com­ing with tag-line Anti Frus­tra­tion Soft­ware is the tool tar­geted at reduc­tion of PC slow­ness. It checks the soft­wares are load­ing at the time of boot, time to load and gets you the inform­a­tion about them from PC Gnome, a know­ledge base for Soluto to give you the option to delay or pause it to increase the speed of…

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How-To, Softwares

Create portable apps easily

Do you ever thought to cre­ate your own port­able apps, Here is a pro­gram came across to cre­ate the port­able apps eas­ily on win­dows machine. Cameyo is a free, open-archi­tec­ture applic­a­tion vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion product. It com­bines best applic­a­tion vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion tech­no­logy with simplicity. 


Opera 11 coming soon with extension support

Opera next browser ver­sion 11 is com­ing soon with exten­sion sup­port just like oth­er browsers chrome exten­sion and fire­fox add-ons. Developers can write exten­sions to extent the func­tion­al­ity using open stand­ards (HTML5, CSS, JavaS­cript) and sup­por­ted APIs. The exten­sions are based on W3c Wid­get specifications.


Opera 10.60 came with WebM support

Opera Soft­ware released final ver­sion of Opera browser 10.60 for Win­dows, Linux, Mac plat­forms with sev­er­al new fea­tures, more user secur­ity and enhanced sta­bil­ity. This release comes with Javas­cript engine 50% faster than 10.50 ver­sion along with advanced Web stand­ards such as HTML5 and WebM video is now included. Opera 10.60 also adds built-in AVG mal­ware protection.


Adobe CS5 is here

Adobe, today intro­duced its new­est Cre­at­ive Suite — CS5. The suites comes in five edi­tions — CS5 Design Stand­ard, CS5 Design Premi­um, CS5 Mas­ter Col­lec­tion, CS5 Web Premi­um and CS5 Pro­duc­tion Premi­um. The pri­cing for pre-ordered bundles ranges from $1,899 (or $599 if upgrad­ing) for CS5 Design Premi­um to US$2,599 (or $899 if upgrad­ing) for the CS5 Mas­ter Collection.

Mobiles, Softwares

Opera Mobile 10 beta for Nokia smartphones Available

Opera Soft­ware released the beta build of upcom­ing Opera Mobile 10 for Nokia sym­bi­an based smart­phones. It fea­tures Opera Turbo ser­v­er-side com­pres­sion tech­no­logy as it in Opera mini 5 and Opera 10. Opera claim­ing this ver­sion is twice faster in speed as com­pared to its pre­de­cessor. With new inter­face includes tabs, Speed Dial and finally it is free.


Nero 9 Reloaded with Windows 7 Support

Nero AG intro­duced updated ver­sion of Nero 9 digit­al media suite with the name Nero 9 Reloaded hav­ing the few tweaks, bug fixes and Win­dows 7 sup­port. This ver­sion ensures the users archive the HD videos without a burner.