
Get your hands on Windows 8 Developer Preview today!

Microsoft made avail­able its next win­dows developers pre­view for developers. It is pre-beta ver­sion. The Win­dows 8 comes with lot of improve­ments over win­dows 7 and nat­ively sup­ports all the win­dows 7 applic­a­tions. Both 32bit and 64bit ISO images are avail­able for down­load includes OS, Win­dows SDK for Metro style apps, Microsoft Visu­al Stu­dio 11 Express, the Microsoft Expres­sion Blend 5 Developer Pre­view and 28 Metro style apps.

Windows 8 Developer Preview

Some of fea­tures win­dows 8 includes are

  • All Win­dows 7 applic­a­tions will run on Win­dows 8
  • Logins will use a photo based system
  • Refreshed Win­dows Task Man­ager sus­pends apps when they are not run­ning on-screen
  • Hyper‑V vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion soft­ware comes pre loaded on Win­dows 8
  • Reset and Refresh PC” func­tions enable sim­pli­fied sys­tem wipe and restore
  • Multi touch sup­port enabled for IE 10
  • Built-in anti­vir­us soft­ware will ship in Win­dows 8
  • Metro-style refresh for Mail, Pho­tos, Cal­en­dar and People apps with Win­dows Live ID
  • Win­dows 8 devices equipped with an NFC chip will be able to use a tap-to-share fea­ture to either send data from one device to anoth­er, or simply receive data from an NFC equipped card.
  • There will not be a dif­fer­ent edi­tion of Win­dows 8 for tab­lets and prob­ably not for Media Cen­ters either
  • ARM devices will be sup­por­ted, but not in the developer preview

System Requirements

Developer Pre­view works great on the hard­ware that powers Win­dows Vista and Win­dows 7:

  • 1 giga­hertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 1 giga­byte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • 16 GB avail­able hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • Dir­ectX 9 graph­ics device with WDDM 1.0 or high­er driver
  • Tak­ing advant­age of touch input requires a screen that sup­ports multi-touch
Download Windows 8 Developer Preview
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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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