Hardware, News

Raspberry Pi Model B+ Launched

Rasp­berry Pi Found­a­tion launched improved ver­sion of Rasp­berry Pi Mod­el B called Rasp­berry Pi Mod­el B+, comes with more USB ports, micro SD card sup­port and more GPIO pins still costs same USD 35.

Raspberry Pi Model B+

The Mod­el B+ uses the same BCM2835 applic­a­tion pro­cessor as the Mod­el B and still has 512MB RAM But Mod­el B+ has more GPIO pins, grown to 40 pins, while retain­ing the same pin­out for the first 26 pins as the Mod­el B. 

Mod­el B+ has 4 USB 2.0 ports, com­pared to 2 on the Mod­el B, and bet­ter hot­plug and over­cur­rent behaviour. 

The SD card sock­et has been replaced with a push-push micro SD card sock­et. By repla­cing lin­ear reg­u­lat­ors with switch­ing ones, the power con­sump­tion reduced by between 0.5W and 1W

The audio cir­cuit incor­por­ates a ded­ic­ated low-noise power sup­ply gives clear audio. Neatly aligned USB con­nect­ors with the board edge, moved com­pos­ite video onto the 3.5mm jack, and added four squarely-placed mount­ing holes.

Check out the Video

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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