
Seagate pre-loads FreeAgent Go HDDs with Paramount movies


Seg­ate, hard drive man­u­fac­turer teams up with the Para­mount Digit­al Enter­tain­ment in order to roll out in the US 500GB FreeAgent Go 2.5‑inch port­able HDD pre-loaded with 21 Para­mount movies. In 21 movies the StarTek (2009 ver­sion) is free to view and oth­er 20 movies included requir­ing the pur­chase from http://​seag​ate​.para​mount​shop​.com of a license key that costs between $9.99 and $14.99. The whole DVD-qual­ity film col­lec­tion takes up 50GB of space so you’ll still have enough bytes for oth­er stor­age needs.

As told by Dave Mos­ley, exec­ut­ive vice pres­id­ent, Sales, Mar­ket­ing and Product Line Man­age­ment, Seag­ate “Seag­ate and Para­mount Pic­tures are deliv­er­ing major motion pic­tures to con­sumers in a unique and innov­at­ive solu­tion. For years Seag­ate hard drives have been power­ing the devices that allow con­sumers to enjoy their digit­al lib­rar­ies. Today, we are sim­pli­fy­ing con­tent deliv­ery by giv­ing con­sumers the ulti­mate flex­ib­il­ity in how they enjoy their movies all in a con­veni­ent package,”

Segate Free Agent GO

The full list of movies pre-loaded are:

- Star Trek (2009)
 — The Curi­ous Case of Ben­jamin Button
 — GI Joe
 — Shooter
 — The Hunt for Red October
 — The Itali­an Job (2003)
 — Ghost
 — Pat­ri­ot Games
 — Beowulf
 — Enemy at the Gates
 — The Spider­wick Chronicles
 — The Love Guru
 — Coach Carter
 — The Man­churi­an Can­did­ate (2004)
 — Nacho Libre
 — Jack­ass 2.5
 — A Plumm Summer
 — Carriers
 — Dance Flick
 — Jimmy Neut­ron: Boy Genius
 — Sky Cap­tain and the World of Tomorrow

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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