
Everything is Free Search Engine for Desktop

Everything is the best Search Engine for Desktop I ever come across. It has low memory foot­print and less resource hog and it is fast in search­ing. It allows to search for any file or folder by its name instant­an­eously. Everything has a clean and simple user inter­face and does quick file index­ing. The install­a­tion file is of only 334 KB. And It is free.

Everything will run on Win­dows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista and Win­dows 7, It will only loc­ate files and folders on loc­al NTFS volumes and it requires admin­is­trat­ive priv­ileges for low level read access to volumes.

The major advant­age of Everything is that it is fast in File Index­ing and File Search­ing. It takes a few seconds to index your files and folders using Window’s NTFS data­bases. It updates it’s index­ing data­base con­stantly, but with less resources. Everything will not search file con­tent. It searches as you type.

Everything Screenshot
Seach­ing can be done using wild­cards and RegEx format. The wild­cards it accepts are ? and *.

The RegEx format it accepts are

|A ver­tic­al bar sep­ar­ates altern­at­ives. For example, gray|grey can match “gray” or “grey”.
()Par­en­theses are used to define the scope and pre­ced­ence of the oper­at­ors (among oth­er uses). For example, gray|grey and gr(a|e)y are equi­val­ent pat­terns which both describe the set of “gray” and “grey”.
?The ques­tion mark indic­ates there is zero or one of the pre­ced­ing ele­ment. For example, colou?r matches both “col­or” and “col­our”.
*The aster­isk indic­ates there are zero or more of the pre­ced­ing ele­ment. For example, ab*c matches “ac”, “abc”, “abbc”, “abbbc”, and so on.
+The plus sign indic­ates that there is one or more of the pre­ced­ing ele­ment. For example, ab+c matches “abc”, “abbc”, “abbbc”, and so on, but not “ac”.
.Matches any single char­ac­ter except newlines (exactly which char­ac­ters are con­sidered newlines is fla­vor, char­ac­ter encod­ing, and plat­form spe­cif­ic, but it is safe to assume that the line feed char­ac­ter is included). With­in POSIX brack­et expres­sions, the dot char­ac­ter matches a lit­er­al dot. For example, a.c matches “abc”, etc., but [a.c] matches only “a”, “.”, or “c”.
[ ]A brack­et expres­sion. Matches a single char­ac­ter that is con­tained with­in the brack­ets. For example, [abc] matches “a”, “b”, or “c”. [a-z] spe­cifies a range which matches any lower­case let­ter from “a” to “z”. These forms can be mixed: [abcx-z] matches “a”, “b”, “c”, “x”, “y”, and “z”, as does [a-cx-z]
[^ ]Matches a single char­ac­ter that is not con­tained with­in the brack­ets. For example, [^abc] matches any char­ac­ter oth­er than “a”, “b”, or “c”. [^a-z] matches any single char­ac­ter that is not a lower­case let­ter from “a” to “z”. As above, lit­er­al char­ac­ters and ranges can be mixed.
^Matches the start­ing pos­i­tion with­in the string. In line-based tools, it matches the start­ing pos­i­tion of any line.
$Matches the end­ing pos­i­tion of the string or the pos­i­tion just before a string-end­ing newline. In line-based tools, it matches the end­ing pos­i­tion of any line.
{m,n}Matches the pre­ced­ing ele­ment at least m and not more than n times. For example, a{3,5} matches only “aaa”, “aaaa”, and “aaaaa”. This is not found in a few, older instances of reg­u­lar expressions.

Down­load Everything

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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