
KDE 4.1 Released

KDE 4.1.0
Today i.e; 29th, July 2008, The KDE com­munity released the KDE 4.1.0. This is second release in KDE 4 series. It has so may improve­ments over Pre­vi­ous release or KDE 4.0 like integ­ra­tion of the Per­son­al Inform­a­tion Man­age­ment suite with KMail, KOr­gan­iser, Akreg­at­or, the RSS feed read­er, KNode, the news­group read­er and many more com­pon­ents integ­rated into the Kontact shell. Fur­ther­more, the new desktop shell Plasma, intro­duced in KDE 4.0

Dirk Muller, one of KDE’s release man­agers gives num­bers: “There have been 20803 com­mits made from KDE 4.0 to KDE 4.1 along with 15432 trans­la­tion checkins. Almost 35000 com­mits have been done in work branches, some of them also being merged into KDE 4.1, so those were not even coun­ted.” Muller also tells us that KDE’s sysad­min team has cre­ated 166 new accounts for developers on KDE’s SVN server.

Updates or Changes:
KDE-PIM is back with 4.1, con­tains the applic­a­tions per­son­al inform­a­tion man­age­ment. KMail, KOr­gan­izer, Akreg­at­or — RSS feed read­er and oth­ers are now avail­able again in KDE 4 look.
Dragon Play­er, A new and easy video player.
Okteta is the new well-integ­rated and fea­ture-rich hexeditor
KSys­tem­Log, helps you keep track of what is going on in your system
New games such as KDia­mond (a bejeweled clone), Kolli­sion, KBreak­Out and Kubrick are introduced.
Lokal­ize, helps trans­lat­ors to make KDE4 avail­able in your lan­guage moreover KDE4 already sup­ports 50-odd languages
KSCD, your desktop CD play­er has been resurrected

Dol­phin, KDE’s file­m­an­ager has a new treeview in the main view, also new is the sup­port for tabs. A new and innov­at­ive single-click selec­tion allows for a more con­sist­ent user exper­i­ence, and copy-to and move-to con­text actions make those actions easi­er access­ible. Of course Kon­quer­or is also avail­able as altern­at­ive to Dol­phin, tak­ing advant­age of most of the above fea­tures as well.
Kon­quer­or, KDE’s webbrowser now has sup­port for re-open­ing already closed win­dows and tabs, it also scrolls smoothly through webpages.
Gwen­view, KDE’s image view­er has got­ten a new full­screen view, a thumb­nail bar for easy access to oth­er pho­tos, a smart Undo sys­tem and sup­port for rat­ing images.
KRDC, KDE’s remote desktop cli­ent now detects remote desktops on the loc­al net­work auto­mat­ic­ally using the Zero­Conf protocol.
Marble, KDE’s desktop globe now integ­rates with Open­Street­Map so you can find your way every­where using the Free Maps.
KSys­Guard, now sup­ports mon­it­or­ing pro­cess out­put or run­ning applic­a­tions so there is no need to restart your apps from a ter­min­al any­more when you want to know what’s going on.
KWin’s com­pos­it­ing win­dow man­ager fea­tures have been more sta­bil­ized and exten­ded. New effect such as the Cov­er­switch win­dow switch­er and the fam­ous “wobbly win­dows” have been added.
Plas­ma’s pan­el con­fig­ur­a­tion has been exten­ded. The new pan­el con­trol­ler makes it easy to cus­tom­ize your pan­el provid­ing dir­ect visu­al feed­back. You can also add pan­els and put them on dif­fer­ent edges of your screen(s). The new folder­view applet allows you to store files on your desktop (in fact it provides a view of a dir­ect­ory on your sys­tem). You can put zero, one or more folder­views onto your desktop, provid­ing for easy and flex­ible access to the files you are work­ing with.


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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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