Fedora 21
How-To, Linux

Remove Old Kernels on Fedora

A quick tip to remove old ker­nels from fedora and also lim­it how many ker­nels you want to keep. The main reas­on to remove ker­nels is Disk Space.


Fedora 10 Released

Fedora Pro­ject, today announced the release of Fedora 10 integ­rated the latest free and open source soft­ware. Fedora 10 fea­tures? Ply­mouth, the new graph­ic­al boot sys­tem speeds up the boot pro­cess by util­iz­ing the fea­tures in new ker­nel. Fedora 10 also comes with enhanced secur­ity tool called Sec­Tool. Fedora 10 includes the Open​Of​fice​.org 3.0 and GNOME 2.24.1, a rewrit­ten audio…

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Madriva 2009 Released

Man­driva 2009 has been released on 9th,October 2008. The Man­driva 2009 comes with redesigned installer and new KDE 4.1? as default desktop. The 2009 ver­sion includes ker­nel 2.6.27, X.Org 7.3, GNOME 2.24, KDE 4.1.2 (and 3.5.10 in / con­trib), Moz­illa Fire­fox 3 and Open Office 3.0.? More details can be found at? Release Notes. As usasl this release also con­tains the…

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KDE 4.1 Released

Today i.e; 29th, July 2008, The KDE com­munity released the KDE 4.1.0. This is second release in KDE 4 series. It has so may improve­ments over Pre­vi­ous release or KDE 4.0 like integ­ra­tion of the Per­son­al Inform­a­tion Man­age­ment suite with KMail, KOr­gan­iser, Akreg­at­or, the RSS feed read­er, KNode, the news­group read­er and many more com­pon­ents integ­rated into the Kontact shell.…

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