
Adobe Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 scheduled to release on early October

Adobe has announced that latest Flash Play­er 11 and AIR 3 will arrive early Octo­ber and bring loads of new fea­tures for cross-plat­form browser based view­ing of rich Inter­net applic­a­tions, con­tent and videos across devices. Some of the fea­tures such as Stage 3D and 64-bit sup­port have been moved into this release.

Key fea­tures of Adobe Flash Play­er 11 and Air 3 includes

  • Stage 3D Accel­er­ated Graph­ics Ren­der­ing to Deliv­er cut­ting edge 2D and 3D exper­i­ences on the desktop.
  • Nat­ive sup­port for 64-bit oper­at­ing sys­tems and browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
  • G.711 audio com­pres­sion for tele­phony to integ­rate real-time voice and tele­phony cap­ab­il­it­ies into busi­ness apps and integ­rate with exist­ing phone sys­tems using the G.711 codec.
  • H.264/AVC SW Encod­ing to cre­ate apps that encode high­er qual­ity video using the H.264 video standard.
  • Sock­et Pro­gress Events to improve man­age­ment of data trans­fer, track pro­gress and provide respons­ive feed­back in apps send large amounts of data.
  • JPEG-XR sup­port to deliv­er high­er qual­ity images with less band­width, and lever­age lossy and lossless com­pres­sion with alpha chan­nel transparency.
  • Cap­tive Runtime Sup­port (AIR for desktop and Android) fea­ture for iOS is now avail­able for the desktop and Android device. Developers now have more con­trol over the use exper­i­ence, sim­pli­fies the app install­a­tion pro­cess on Win­dows, Mac and Android. Deploy AIR applic­a­tion in tamper proof /​hardened oper­at­ing envir­on­ments (e.g. med­ic­al dia­gnost­ic equip­ment, gov­ern­ment, military).
  • iOS Back­ground Audio Play­back Sup­port to write mul­ti­task­ing iOS applic­a­tions that can play audio while in the back­ground includ­ing music or voice chat from a con­fer­en­cing application.
  • Android Licens­ing Ser­vice Sup­port for developers to access the Android Mar­ket Licens­ing Ser­vice which lets pub­lish­ers enforce licens­ing policies for paid applic­a­tions that they pub­lish through Android Market.
  • Android Front-facing Cam­era Sup­port avail­able with AIR for iOS and Black­Berry Tab­let OS is now also avail­able on Android devices. Take advant­age of the front-facing cam­era to con­nect users with rich video con­fer­en­cing and chat experiences.
  • Encryp­ted Loc­al Stor­age for Mobile devices. Allows applic­a­tions to more securely store sens­it­ive data on a user­’s device for stor­age of sens­it­ive data such as pass­words, cer­ti­fic­ates, and audit­ing information
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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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