AMD Delivers the World’s First 1 GHz GPU With Radeon HD 4890 Air Cooled

Nine years after launch­ing the world’s first 1 GHz CPU, AMD is again first to break the giga­hertz bar­ri­er with the fact­ory over­clocked, air-cooled ATI Radeon HD 4890 GPUAMD announced the world’s first 1GHz graph­ics pro­cessor (without third-party / over­clock­ing) with the ATI Radeon HD 4890 GPU with air cool­ing. When HD 4890 is released it is the 850MHz clock version.…

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Windows 7 Release Candidate is available for download now

The Win­dows 7 RC1 is now avail­able offi­cially for pub­lic through Microsoft’s Cus­tom­er Pre­view pro­gram. The RC will be avail­able at least through July 2009 and the num­ber of product keys are not lim­ited, so you have plenty of time. The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. So you have a year time to pur­chase the win­dows 7 original…

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Windows 7 RC is available to Microsoft OEM partners now for Public on may 5th

As per the inform­a­tion by microsoft part­ners Pro­gram site, Microsoft next gen­er­a­tion Win­dows 7 Release Can­did­ate is avail­able to Tech­net and MSDN Sub­scribers now. It will be avail­able to pub­lic on may 5, 2009. But accrod­ing to ars­tech­nica, The build is not yet avail­able to Tech­net and MSDN sub­scribers. From a read­er chat with Microsoft Online Con­ci­erge “Cur­rently the Windows…

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Intel Westmere (32nm) Samples Shipped Already to its Partners

As We know Intel already Demon­strated the work­ing 32nm pro­cessor. Paul Otellini, Intel’s CEO has revealed that Intel already shipped its new 32nm Westmere samples to its part­ners. These pro­cessors are expec­ted by this end of year. 


Now Its time for the Intel P55 (LGA-1156 Socket) Motherboards

Asus, MSI, Giga­byte, Bio­star and Jet­way com­pan­ies are show­ing their upcom­ing P55 mother­boards in CeBIT. Asus is show­ing off two, the P7U and P7U Pro, both fea­tures a single, open ended PCIe x4 slot, two PCIe x1 slots (three for the P7U), a PCI slot, four DDR3 memory slots sup­ports dual chan­nel mode, an IDE, five SATA, four USB 2.0 headers…

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Intel Demonstrates First Working 32nm-based processor

10th, Feb 2009 San Fran­cisco, Intel corp, World’s largest semi­con­duct­or com­pany demon­strated the first work­ing 32nm pro­cessor. Intel Cor­por­a­tion dis­cussed new mile­stones for 32nm man­u­fac­tur­ing and pro­gress toward future products. Work­ing intel 32nm pro­cessor Sum­mary of the Roadmap at the brief­ing in San Fran­cisco: First-ever demon­stra­tion of a work­ing 32nm-based micro­pro­cessor: Intel is demon­strat­ing the first 32nm work­ing micro­pro­cessor in…

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Windows 7 Beta Download Deadline Extended

Microsoft Corp. exten­ded the down­load dead­line of the win­dows 7 beta. Firstly the Microsoft had lim­ited the down­loads of Win­dows 7 beta at 2.5 mil­lion. The com­pany’s serv­ers were over­loaded as users tried to down­load the pre­view, Microsoft removed the lim­it and said it would offer the beta through Jan. 24. But again the Microsoft changed its mind. “Because enthu­si­asm continues…

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Fedora 10 Released

Fedora Pro­ject, today announced the release of Fedora 10 integ­rated the latest free and open source soft­ware. Fedora 10 fea­tures? Ply­mouth, the new graph­ic­al boot sys­tem speeds up the boot pro­cess by util­iz­ing the fea­tures in new ker­nel. Fedora 10 also comes with enhanced secur­ity tool called Sec­Tool. Fedora 10 includes the Open​Of​fice​.org 3.0 and GNOME 2.24.1, a rewrit­ten audio…

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