
Windows 7 Beta Download Deadline Extended

Microsoft Corp. exten­ded the down­load dead­line of the win­dows 7 beta. Firstly the Microsoft had lim­ited the down­loads of Win­dows 7 beta at 2.5 mil­lion. The com­pany’s serv­ers were over­loaded as users tried to down­load the pre­view, Microsoft removed the lim­it and said it would offer the beta through Jan. 24. But again the Microsoft changed its mind.

Because enthu­si­asm con­tin­ues to be so high for the Win­dows 7 Beta and we don’t want any­one to miss out we will keep the Beta down­loads open through Feb­ru­ary 10th. Cus­tom­ers who have star­ted but not com­pleted the down­load pro­cess? will be able to do so through Feb­ru­ary 12th.” as told by spokes per­son Brandon LeB­lanc in win­dowblog.

As per Brandon, The shut­down of gen­er­al avail­ab­il­ity for the Win­dows 7 Beta will occur in 3 phases over the course of the next few weeks:
  • Start­ing Janu­ary 27th, the Win­dows 7 page will be updated with a warn­ing that time is run­ning out on down­load­ing the Win­dows 7 Beta and that we will be lim­it­ing down­loads shortly. People will be encour­aged to register and start the down­load of the Win­dows 7 Beta soon­er rather than later.
  • Feb­ru­ary 10th, new down­loads of the Win­dows 7 Beta will no longer be avail­able. People who have already star­ted their Win­dows 7 Beta down­load and have not yet fin­ished will still be able to fin­ish their down­load and are encour­aged to do so.
  • Feb­ru­ary 12th, people will no longer be able to com­plete their down­load of the Win­dows 7 Beta. Any­one who has­n’t fin­ished down­load­ing the Win­dows 7 Beta will be unable to do so.

MSDN and Tech­Net Sub­scribers will con­tin­ue to have access to the Win­dows 7 Beta bits through­out the Win­dows 7 Beta phase. The above dates do not apply to MSDN and Tech­Net Subscribers.

So grab your copy if you did­n’t grabbed it till now the grab it here
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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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