AMD Announced World’s First and only APU for Embedded Systems

AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced avail­ab­il­ity of the new AMD Embed­ded G‑Series pro­cessor based on AMD Fusion tech­no­logy, the world’s first and only Accel­er­ated Pro­cessing Unit (APU) for embed­ded sys­tems. The new G‑Series pro­cessor is the new low-power, x86 CPU based on the “Bob­cat” core with Dir­ectX® 11-cap­­able GPU and par­al­lel pro­cessing engine on a single piece of silicon.


Hitachi and Partners Developed 3.9Tbit per Square Inch HDD Technology

In col­lab­or­a­tion with the New Energy and Indus­tri­al Tech­no­logy Devel­op­ment Organ­iz­a­tion (NEDO), Hita­chi developed a new hard disk drive tech­no­logy for stor­ing data at a dens­ity of 3.9 Tbit per square inch. The new Tech­no­logy will increase the cur­rent capa­city by 8‑fold by mak­ing it avail­able 24TB in 3.5 drives and 8TB in 2.5 drives.


Mushkin Announced EP series SSDs with SF-2000 controllers

Mushkin, Inc., (www​.mushkin​.com), a glob­al lead­er in high-per­­­form­ance and mis­sion crit­ic­al com­puter products, With intro­duc­tion of Sand­Force SF-2000, Mushkin build­ing the EP series SSDs with the SF-2000 con­trol­lers. These SSDs are aimd for Enter­prise solu­tions. The Mushkin SSDs powered by SF-2500 and SF-2600 controllers.


ARM Unveils Cortex-A15 Mpcore Processor

ARM intro­duced the Cor­­tex-A15 MPCore pro­cessor (code­name Eagle) that deliv­ers a 5x per­form­ance improve­ment over today’s advanced smart­phone processors,within a com­par­able energy foot­print. The Cor­­tex-A15 pro­cessor will clock up to 2.5GHz designed in 32nm, 28nm and smal­ler sizes.


Seagate pre-loads FreeAgent Go HDDs with Paramount movies

Seg­ate, hard drive man­u­fac­turer teams up with the Para­mount Digit­al Enter­tain­ment in order to roll out in the US 500GB FreeAgent Go 2.5‑inch port­able HDD pre-loaded with 21 Para­mount movies. In 21 movies the StarTek (2009 ver­sion) is free to view and oth­er 20 movies included requir­ing the pur­chase from http://​seag​ate​.para​mount​shop​.com of a license key that costs between $9.99 and…

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ASUS Released 8‑core, 12-core AMD Opteron supported G34 Board

Asus has already released its first Magny-Cours-ready mother­board which sup­ports new 8- and 12-core Opter­on 6100 pro­cessors. The mother­board fea­tur­ing the AMD G34 sock­et with an AMD SR5690/SP5100 chip­set as well as the board has eight (4‑channel) DDR3 memory slots per CPU, ASUS unique PIKE upgrade kit, and ASUS ASMB4-iKVM mod­ule for remote man­age­ment. total 6 PCI/PCI‑X/PCI‑E slots, 14 SATA

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Intel’s 48 core single-chip cloud computer one of co-creator is Intel Banglore(INDIA)

Intel Labs demon­strated an exper­i­ment­al, 48-core Intel pro­cessor, This chip is 10 to 20 times the pro­cessing power of today’s most pop­u­lar Intel Core-branded pro­cessors. It also includes a high-speed on-chip net­work along with new power man­age­ment tech­niques allow all 48 cores to oper­ate extremely energy effi­ciently at as low as 25 watts, or at 125 watts at max­im­um performance.


World’s Fastest Graphics Card, Dual-GPU Radeon HD 5970 Launched

AMD has launched the ATI Radeon HD 5970 graph­ics card, the fast­est card graph­ic card ever seen​.It uses two 5800 series chip­sets on the same card to provide the best per­form­ance pos­sible. The 2GB dual-GPU card is the first to sup­port Microsoft Dir­ectX 11 and also sup­ports up to three dis­plays at once for a 7680×1600 max­im­um res­ol­u­tion with high…

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