Fedora 21
How-To, Linux

Remove Old Kernels on Fedora

A quick tip to remove old ker­nels from fedora and also lim­it how many ker­nels you want to keep. The main reas­on to remove ker­nels is Disk Space.


How to Create Bootable USB from Command Prompt

Boot­able USB is essen­tial espe­cially if you have net­book which does­n’t come with optic­al drive. We are going to dis­cuss how to make one with only few com­mands from com­mand prompt on win­dows vista/​win­dows 7.


How to get new Google bar

You are inter­ested in get­ting new Google bar. Here is a tweak which works with chrome, Fire­fox, safari and Inter­net Explorer 8+.

Googel Chrome

Google Chrome Offline Installer (Windows)

Some­times we have to install Google chrome on a com­puter which does­n’t have net­work, But the stand­ard installer avail­able at http://​www​.google​.com/​c​h​r​ome is online installer which requires internet.

How-To, Softwares

Soluto is the Utility to Speed Up System Boot

Soluto com­ing with tag-line Anti Frus­tra­tion Soft­ware is the tool tar­geted at reduc­tion of PC slow­ness. It checks the soft­wares are load­ing at the time of boot, time to load and gets you the inform­a­tion about them from PC Gnome, a know­ledge base for Soluto to give you the option to delay or pause it to increase the speed of…

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How-To, Softwares

Create portable apps easily

Do you ever thought to cre­ate your own port­able apps, Here is a pro­gram came across to cre­ate the port­able apps eas­ily on win­dows machine. Cameyo is a free, open-archi­tec­ture applic­a­tion vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion product. It com­bines best applic­a­tion vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion tech­no­logy with simplicity.