Windows 10
Microsoft, News

Microsoft Announced Windows 10

Microsoft skipped ver­sion 9 and announced it’s upcom­ing oper­at­ing sys­tem Win­dows 10, suc­cessor to Win­dows 8 at an event in Sans Fran­cisco by Terry Myer­son, Exec­ut­ive Vice Pres­id­ent, Oper­at­ing Sys­tems at Microsoft.

Microsoft, News

Windows 8 to be Released on October 26th2012

As we already dis­cussed about the avail­ab­il­ity of Developer pre­view, Microsoft announced today that upcom­ing Win­dows 8 oper­at­ing sys­tem will be avail­able on Octo­ber 26th, 2012 as new or upgrade. This means that the Win­dows 8 and Win­dows RT PCs will be avail­able for pur­chase and upgrades start­ing this October.

Windows 8

Get your hands on Windows 8 Developer Preview today!

Microsoft made avail­able its next win­dows developers pre­view for developers. It is pre-beta ver­sion. The Win­dows 8 comes with lot of improve­ments over win­dows 7 and nat­ively sup­ports all the win­dows 7 applications.


Internet Explorer 9 Available to Download

Microsoft released its long await­ing Inter­net Explorer 9 today. Def­in­itely it is big improve­ment over its pre­vi­ous ver­sions. It is avail­able to down­load for Vista, Win­dows 7 and Win­dows 2008/2008-R2 series oper­at­ing sys­tems. Microsoft is dropped sup­port for Win­dows XP even though it has sig­ni­fic­ant mar­ket share.

Microsoft, Mobiles

Windows Mobile 6.5 based mobile phones debut on October 6th

Microsoft, today announced that the mobile phones fea­tur­ing Win­dows Mobile 6.5 will be avail­able from Octo­ber 6th. The new mobile oper­at­ing sys­tem fea­tures a new user inter­face, Win­dows Mar­ket­place (an app store), a backup ser­vice called Microsoft My Phone, pho­tos, video, con­tacts, etc to the web, and more. they’ll also fea­ture Office Mobile.