
PCI Express 3.0 Details showed up

The PCI-SIG (Spe­cial Interest Group), PCI spec con­trol­ler group, announced the trans­fer rate for the upcom­ing PCI-Express 3.0 spe­cific­a­tion, expec­ted to debut by the end of 2009 or early 2010. Accord­ing to inform­a­tion, cur­rent spe­cific­a­tions exist in the ver­sion 0.7, where­as series products with the sup­port of new inter­face will appear not earli­er than 2011


Gmail, Docs, Calendar, and Talk out of beta

Gmail, When first released in 2004, like oth­er soft­wares it came with the Beta tag. But it holds the Beta tag five years after launch.? Finally the Google thought to remove its well know beta tag for Google apps means not only gmail beta tag but also removed for Google Docs, cal­en­dar and Talk. Still the beta tag is available…

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iPhone 3GS Specs Revealed

T‑Mobile has pos­ted some tech­nic­al specs about the iPhone 3G S. Apple has flatly refused to tell any­one just what chips lie inside the iPhone 3G S. The revealed specs are a 600MHz pro­cessor and 256MB RAM for the OS, double that of the 128MB in the ori­gin­al iPhone.


Kingston ahead to grab consumer SSD market

King­ston Tech­no­logy has announced the release of its new SSDNow V series sol­id state drives (SSDs). King­ston SSD tar­get mass pro­duc­tion for con­sumers who are seek­ing Value for Money(VFM) without com­prom­ising on performance.


Penguin USB drive

A new Pen­guin Flash drives has been intro­duced into the market.Standing only 2.2 inches tall,the WWF Pen­guin USB Drive is short­er than a car key. Its avail­able in 2/4/8/16GB capacities.This little fel­low’s up for order right now for $12.95 to $42.95.


Gigabyte’s Fashion Gadget,The GM-M7800S Wireless Mouse

GIGA­BYTE has announced a Mouse that comes with Swarovski crys­tals and two-tone-stitched leath­er. The GM-M7800S plated in 18K gold and is built of high qual­ity leather.This mouse is equipped with a nano 2.4GHz wire­less receiv­er offers max­im­um data trans­fer rates of 2Mbps, sup­ports 10-meter trans­mis­sion, and reduces on power consumption.


EVGA Launches Innovative Products in Computex 2009

This is a new EVGA UV Plus+ device that allows you to run mul­tiple mon­it­ors via a USB cable. The USB cable plugs into the DVI port on it that then plugs into a mon­it­or. This is approx­im­ately 4″ in size. There is logic in the device that takes a com­pressed images sent over USB and com­presses it for display…

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Gigabyte launches new series of motherboards

Giga­byte brings the new X58 series of mother­boards from the extreme to mid-range UD4 mother­board series.The GA-EX58A-Extreme and GA-EX58A-UD5 is fea­tured with Giga­byte’s new 24-phase power deliv­ery system.These series has new fea­tures such as the new DES2 tech­no­logy, four Mar­vell 6Gb/​s SATA ports, dual LAN with auto-switch­ing ports, and improved memory per­form­ance apart from reg­u­lar features.Apart from these it has also…

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