
CCleaner 3.0 coming with 64-bit support

Piri­form updated its flag­ship main­ten­ance tool for win­dows, CCle­an­er to 3.0 with many added fea­tures like 64-bit nat­ive EXE, Improved HTML5 Data­base Stor­age, New Drive Wiper tool, with improved sup­port for IE and Google Chrome. In addi­tion to the new fea­tures, it’s also added sup­port for a few pop­u­lar applic­a­tions, like AVG Anti­vir­us, Auda­city, Log­MeIn Hama­chi, Bit­Tor­rent, and others. 

You can also get the pri­or­ity sup­port for CCle­an­er for $24.95. It is also added Intel­li­gent cook­ie scan that decides which cook­ies you prob­ably want to keep (sign­ing out sites like Google, Yahoo, and oth­ers) so It won’t erase use­ful inform­a­tion on your machine while eras­ing browsers his­tory and cookies.

CCleaner Intellegent Cookie Scan
Here is the full change list changes for 3.0:

  • New 64-bit nat­ive EXE designed spe­cific­ally for 64-bit systems.
  • New Drive Wiper tool screen under the Tools section
  • Improved sup­port for IE 9 and the Google Chrome browsers.
  • Clean­ing sup­port for HTML5 data­base storage
  • Addi­tion­al clean­ing sup­port for Microsoft Sil­ver­light Isol­ated Storage.
  • Added New envir­on­ment vari­ables (%Sys­tem­Dir­ect­ory%, %SystemDirectory32%, and %SystemDirectory64%).
  • New applic­a­tion icon.
  • New Intel­li­gent cook­ie keep­ing feature.
  • and more…

You can down­load CCle­an­er 3.0 now at www​.piri​form​.com/​c​c​l​e​a​ner

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About Gouri Shankar

Gouri Shankar is Tech Geek and Java, PHP and Wordpress developer from India.
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