
Motorola ATRIX HD is official

Motorola ATRIX HD offi­cial. It is powered by 1.5GHz Dual Core Qual­comm Snap­dragon Pro­cessor, has 4.5‑inch HD Col­or­Boost 720p display

Mozilla Firefox

What’s New in Firefox 13.0 ?

Moz­illa Fire­fox 13.0 is avail­able to down­load on their ftp serv­ers. It is com­ing with New Tab page shows recent vis­ited pages,


How to Create Bootable USB from Command Prompt

Boot­able USB is essen­tial espe­cially if you have net­book which does­n’t come with optic­al drive. We are going to dis­cuss how to make one with only few com­mands from com­mand prompt on win­dows vista/​win­dows 7.

Dropbox Logo

Dropbox Simplifies the Files and Folders Sharing

Drop­box, a free ser­vice that lets people bring their doc­u­ments, pho­tos and videos any­where and share them eas­ily, today announced an easi­er way for people to instantly share with just a link.