
DropIt: Sort your Files with a drop

Gen­er­ally we down­load all files to a folder or to desktop and the desktop becomes cluttered with lot of dif­fer­ent down­loads. This is where Dro­pIt comes in handy to clean up and sort files. Dro­pIt is simple free util­ity to quickly sort the files and folders with simple user defined rules/​patterns.


Everything is Free Search Engine for Desktop

Everything is the best Search Engine for Desktop I ever come across. It has low memory foot­print and less resource hog and it is fast in search­ing. It allows to search for any file or folder by its name instantaneously.


AMD Announced World’s First and only APU for Embedded Systems

AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced avail­ab­il­ity of the new AMD Embed­ded G‑Series pro­cessor based on AMD Fusion tech­no­logy, the world’s first and only Accel­er­ated Pro­cessing Unit (APU) for embed­ded sys­tems. The new G‑Series pro­cessor is the new low-power, x86 CPU based on the “Bob­cat” core with Dir­ectX® 11-cap­­able GPU and par­al­lel pro­cessing engine on a single piece of silicon.


Notepad++, The Free Notepad Alternative

Note­padd+ is free source code edit­or developed on a power­ful edit­ing com­pon­ent Scin­tilla. Note­padd++ sup­ports sev­er­al pro­gram­ming Lan­guages. Note­pad++ can be made default edit­or on win­dows using this tutorial.


Opera 11 final is out

Opera 11 final avail­able to down­load and came with many new fea­tures like Tab stack­ing, Safer address field, Visu­al mouse ges­tures, Exten­sions, Mail pan­el along with the pre­vi­ous fea­tures Opera Turbo, Speed Dial, Opera Link, Pass­word man­ager, Opera Unite and Zoom.