Fedora 21
How-To, Linux

Remove Old Kernels on Fedora

A quick tip to remove old ker­nels from fedora and also lim­it how many ker­nels you want to keep. The main reas­on to remove ker­nels is Disk Space.

Windows 10
Microsoft, News

Microsoft Announced Windows 10

Microsoft skipped ver­sion 9 and announced it’s upcom­ing oper­at­ing sys­tem Win­dows 10, suc­cessor to Win­dows 8 at an event in Sans Fran­cisco by Terry Myer­son, Exec­ut­ive Vice Pres­id­ent, Oper­at­ing Sys­tems at Microsoft.

Mozilla Firefox

What’s new in Firefox 19.0

Moz­illa pushed the next ver­sion of Fire­fox 19.0 to release chan­nel. Fire­fox 19.0 came with star­tup improve­ments, It is not yet avail­able on Moz­illa web­site but avail­able on Moz­illa FTP servers.